Make Money at Online Poker With Poker Rakeback
If you are a poker player, you have probably heard of poker rakeback. poker rakeback is when a poker room will allow you to get a percentage of that casino's (the online poker room's) rake back when you play. Much of the poker community is against this practice, as it is believed that poker rakeback is in effect gambling. However, there is little doubt that poker rakeback can be a very attractive feature if done responsibly.
When you play online poker, you pay a fee by which the poker room pays the poker rake. The amount of this fee is traditionally between 5% and 10%, but it is possible for rooms to pay less or even no rake at all. Either way, this is still a fee and an advantage for the player. The poker rakeback is given back by the poker room as a loyalty payment. It is then a matter of choosing the most advantageous poker deal for yourself.
As poker players know, a bad beat can occur any time. It is even possible for a player to lose twice in a row. In order to prevent such cases from occur over and over again, every online poker room tracking the play of each player has a tracking number which is called a rake number. These numbers are relatively easy to keep track of and the best online poker rooms will automatically pay out a percentage of the rake number on any hand that a player is involved in. However, manually tracking of this information can be a time consuming task.
Online poker rooms do not have the time of expertise to check the hand histories of every single hand of every single poker player. Poker rooms also do not have the space to store the hand histories of hundreds of thousands of hands for each player. This means that, unlike a live player, a pokersite can neither check the hand histories of players nor exchange with the player involved.

All of the information that the online poker room will have access to is:
The cards that a player played
The cards that the player opponent played
The starting hole cards of both players
The cards that the player flop played
The cards that the player turned face up on the flop
The cards on the table
The number of players at the table
The starting poker hands of each player
The cards that the player played to their hand
The cards that the player must draw
The cards that the player will draw after seeing the flop
Once these have been determined, the software will assign a point value for each. There are 3 steps in this.
The "Hand Rank"
This step is the first one. The computer will assign each hand a numerical value and then group the top ranked hands into the "Hand Rank" column. The Hand Rank is very important because the computer has to group the hands in such a way that the odds of making a hand are greater than 51%. An example of this is Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten and Four. The odds of these hands, Overcards, pushes, two pairs, three of a kind and a straight will rank higher than the other hands.
The "Pairs"
After the hands have been grouped, the computer will go through each individual card and number and group them into "Pairs" Bin. There are 52 cards in the deck, 9 tens and 9 aces. In this stage the computer will look through each number and group them into pairs like 1T8, 2T6, 3T5, 4T3, 5T2, 6T1, etc. The computer will repeat this process again for each individual card number until all the pairs have been assigned a "Pairs" column. When a new hand is generated, the computer will assign the new pairs and the old pairs will be eliminated. You can then go through each new hand and assign a new value to the "Pairs" column, using the numbers from the last hand.
The "Blanks"
After the final hands have been assigned, the computer will go through each individual card once again, but this time it will disregard the "blanks" section and assign a "True" number for every card. The computer will then go through the computer's oldest available card and assign it a "True" number which the computer will compare to the "efeated" number in the "Winners" section. The computer will once again do this process again for a final time, and the hands will be verified for their winners and losers.
The "Chat Room"
Following the hand verification, the "Chat Room" portion of the game will open and a player will be designated as the banker.